We carry a small selection of products. These are products we use and believe in.
Treat Pouches
We carry RC Pets Treat pouches.

Easy Walk, Cirque and Freedom Harnesses

i-Click Clickers

Busy Buddy Toys

Kong Products

Helpful Links
APDT information on how to choose a Dog trainer https://apdt.com/resource-center/how-to-choose-a-dog-trainer/
CAPPDT (Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers) http://www.cappdt.ca/
APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) https://apdt.com/
Pet Professional Guild http://www.petprofessionalguild.com/
Karen Pryor Academy https://www.karenpryoracademy.com/
The Academy for Dog Trainers https://academyfordogtrainers.com/
The International Associations of Animal Behaviour Consultants https://m.iaabc.org/default.aspx
Dr. Ian Dunbar and his team, and "Dog Star Daily". Lots of great training articles and videos on this web site. http://www.dogstardaily.com/
Dog Bite Prevention Program:
(Doggone Safe! - A non-profit organization dedicated to Dog Bite Prevention)
We invite you to watch this FREE Webinar on Holiday Safety Tips for Children and Dogs.
This was created by Doggone Safe and Family Paws Parent Education and brought to you by the Pet Professional Guild.
Here is the
AVSAB (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour) position statements on dominance, punishment, choosing a trainer and puppy socialization